Sunday, July 11, 2010

An Absence

So it's been a long while since the last time I've posted something.

This is for many reason.

1) I haven't had anything that I felt was worth typing.
2) I've been lazy.


3) I'm starting to get overwhelmed.

It's a funny thing, the mind. Sometimes it puts you into these slumps of emotions and actions that are abnormal. I don't know what causes it, or how to stop it, it just happens every so often.

That's what the last couple weeks have been for me. A weird time.

I'm beginning to get overwhelmed with everything that I have to do at the beginning of next year.

Phi Delta Theta Officer Position
Ignite Leadership
Head Resident of North
Music Lessons
Scot Ambassador Stuff
Fall Rush

The list goes on...
This is all stuff that I have chosen to do. Can I handle it? Yes.

So why have I become overwhelmed, because sometimes I get caught up in all these things that I'm doing, I forget why I'm doing them.

Sometimes you lose who you are for a while and that is what has been happening to me lately. I think it's all part of this "reflective summer" that I keep mentioning. I'm just learning more and more about myself as I go along. It hasn't been easy, but so far it has been worth it.

So sometimes we have it...that Absence of ourselves in our life.

Why do I do the things I do?
I do it because I love people, I love helping people, and I love being with people. Whether it's teaching new guys about the fraternity, or leading them in worship at Ignite. I love to connect with people, because when they connect with me I hope that they in someway are connecting with God, who works through me.

So is it bad to have that absence in your life? Probably sometimes, I'm not sure yet. But one thing is for sure...that absence will pass and you will begin to realize you motivations again. This might be over some of your heads, because I don't think I've articulated myself the best that I could.

But the truth is...(and Ian can tell you this)...I'm not the best at articulating things. I may have wonderful thoughts and ideas sometimes...but I need somebody to draw them out of me in the right kind of articulation. This is why I'm a people person, not only do I hope to draw the best out of my friends, but they certainly draw the best out of me. challenge to you?
What are your motivations? When you are having absence of who you are, how do you get out of it?

Well, I guess those aren't really challenges..but they are challenging questions.